- listens to alt rock. his brain isn't totally scattered, but it does have extremes, and listening to more cathartic songs probably calms / comforts him.
- however!!! has a soft spot for sweeter pop songs, they poke at his heart
- def has an mp3 player, preferring it over cds. he drops it all the time, though
- the necklace is his main accessory of course, but he also has some cuff bracelets that he wears in the summer
- his graphic t-shirt collection is unmatched
- once totally butchered his bangs, couldn't live it down for years
- the itty-bitty blonde streak was because of a lost dare
- takeda and odagiri mainly helped him with it
- in the actual 3-d classroom
- the others watched and laughed, taking a million pics through the process
- normally he doesn't want to do too much in terms of bleach with it, because then the damage...!!!
- how is he supposed to look so cool when his luscious strands are fried?!?!?!
- (never mind the fact that his hair is already fairly damaged)
- wants to get another ear piercing, but isn't sure which type
- though he's reaaaaaally leaning towards industrial
- set a puzzle in front of him, and he'll stare at it. might not complete it, but he'll definitely think about it for a long time and mess with the pieces
- heck, set him down with a chessboard and he'll play by himself, the battle nerd
- he was the one who came up with most (if not all) of the formations, after all
- after the events of his arc, one of the first things he goes about learning is how to make various bento sides. approachable, easy to start with. he takes pride in his progress as they look prettier and prettier
- when he feels confident enough in them, he'll give them to the main guys. tries to be cool about it, but is totally giddy inside whenever they say it tastes + looks good
- thinks about opening his own food shop in the future
- has some nap spots that even odagiri doesn't know about
- ...
back home!